Journal Why do we love to hate Valentine’s Day? February, 14. Valentine's day or also known as just another day to compare ourselves to others. It is definitely a day full of cliches and... February 14, 2021 2.8K 2 3
Travel A little escape to Calpe I had never heard about this town before - excuse my ignorance! - but it was a lovely surprise. Calpe is a town in the... January 24, 2021 2.2K 0 1
Travel Souvenirs from all over the world We all buy souvenirs, a little something that somehow will make us remember that special place we visited and hopefully will take us back there... December 14, 2020 1.9K 0 3
Journal Oh! Hello. Hey. I’m Angela. Funny story: I created this blog as one of my new year resolutions back in december 2019 (it seems like a lifetime... November 10, 2020 1.7K 0 6